Starlight Demo Now Available
Posted July 14, 2023 Authored by greenturtle537

You may want to catch up on our earlier post here to better understand what we want to accomplish with Starlight. Following our wildly unsucessful product demo at the national FBLA convention this year we have made some large decisions about this project. At this time I will choose my words carefully, but we are in the planning stages to completely rebuild the app from the ground up and launch it unironically as a startup product for schools. I cannot confirm any release dates or projections at this time, but if you want to look at the demo you can go to our github page and get a copy for yourself to play with. I'll try to keep the servers up on my end but no guarantees as our app is still in the pre-pre-alpha-demo stages of production. If you can, please email your feedback to us at for the project page. We have included some build instructions if you need to modify the existing app and you can technically use our API as a standalone should you decipher my code. Please be respectful of the public Instagram page and don't post anything that will get me in hot water or I will delete your fortnite account. Thanks for your continued support and if you want an easter egg into some other ongoing projects, check the csrpg releases page.