Introducing Star Light
Posted July 19, 2023 Authored by greenturtle537

Allow me to unveil the first officially developed and licensed software of Glitch Technologies. Star Light. It's a powerful management application for monitoring school events and filing notices to your local school system. We expect the app to launch late this month for public usage. The app is written in Python, with help from the Kivy library to handle our UI. Due to budgeting constraits, we are only able to release our app to students and faculty of Anne Arundel County Public Schools. This is a result of the costly development fees of writing a unique decoding algorithm for the AACPS calender. We apologize for production issues but urge AACPS to make use of our new app for the upcoming year and ask the rest of our patrons to consider donating to increase our school system support. You can make a donation here For those interested in helping with the development of our app as it nears completion, we will be sending out a pre-pre-alpha-demo of the app in a post a short while from now with more details. Currently, we only expect to be able to support Android devices, but hopefully we will be able to launch IOS support soon or release our source code.

Thanks for getting us here, we could do it without you.