• soooooooooooooo

    From Meverett to All on Wed Aug 14 10:56:26 2024
    hey guysssss

    it's been a minute... sorryyyyyyyyyyyy....

    so i said i would be better about blogging frequently and then i went back to my cute (very boring) 8-4 job and was very preoccupied with bothering tar directly so i haven't been logging on very often.

    note: i wrote this on monday 8/12 and forgot to post it until today so double woopsies :P

    but we're getting close to the school year! woop woop (i'm currently fighting half of SR's administration, counselor has been very unhelpful with the college class stuff and so i emailed her boss but bro is out of office so we have to cope for a little bit guys)!

    it's been a solid 3 weeks since my last blog, but last time was about solcar so now i can talk about a bunch of random stuff!

    so to start, we got back from texas (land of yeehaw) and throughout that trip, we'd been talking about doing a dnd campaign. which did happen.

    datbirbdude is our dm, he's been lovely, and so far we've had 2 sessions. it has definitely been a hot minute since we've had one, but people have been busy. we agreed upon 9:30 am on the first sunday we were back, and tar had left the day before to go to utah for their internship.

    i, being the anxiously punctual person i am, showed up at birb's house at 9:29 am, getting through his door at 9:30 am. perfectly on time. i figured ben would be there before me, nope! it turns out, birb had woken up 7 minutes prior to my arrival, and had done exactly zero preparation for the campaign.

    so we went downstairs, i told him all about the nonsensical character i made, that being a pair of raccoons in a trench coat named Tripwire (the bottom one is Trip and the top one is Wire), and he admitted he had made no campaign. seems pretty legit, honestly.

    ben showed up and introduced his character, Jacob Horse. he is a centaur who rides a horse, Horse Bottom, and he hails from the land of Horseland. wonderful, i know (i love it). ghost arrived shortly thereafter, greeting us and starting off with the question of, "ben, what's your character's name?" he answered, she scribbled down something on her paper, and it turned out, ghost's character (now basically complete) was named Freaky Jacob Horse, a freaky paladin (a sorcerer).

    then we had DT (named DT because bro is not on here and i cannot disclose irl names), who announced he was playing a "wizard with a gun" (artificer?) named "Ludwig". that wasn't his full name but i don't remember the rest of it and never wrote it down, so that's what we get. he said he fought in the wizard Vietnam war, another critical element for birb to write into the campaign.

    then we got our lovely sysop, greenturtle537, who showed up with no character made despite having helped me the evening prior make mine. he ended up with Andro, a fighter, and that's all i can actively recall about him. as we were still setting things up and birb was trying to write the Vietnam war, Horseland, and a golden city into his campaign, he got a phone call from non. asking about when were we going to meet up to do the dnd campaign.

    it turns out, ben sent the message about when we'd be meeting (9:30 am on the follow sunday, sent on a friday morning) to a groupchat with everyone in the campaign except for non, so non had no idea. he did make it in time, and he made his character on the spot as well, Kuup Kake. why did he name himself that? i don't know. but it is what it is i guess.

    for the two sessions we did have, i took pretty thorough notes on everything so i might post those in the future, or i might rewrite them in a more blog friendly way, but it was quite enjoyable for those first bits.

    i did have some moments where i wasn't enjoying it as much (no names are being named and i will not explain what the moments were), but i think everything will iron itself out. i'd really like to like playing dnd, we just need to get back into meeting up to continue.

    after our first session, me, sysop, and non all went to find a store for some dice. we ended up at a comic book store (i went the other day, it's actually a three part store, one section for comics, one for music stuff, and one for game stuff it's really cool) and they had a TON of dice, and i found a set of nice copper ones. they are heavy. if i throw them at someone it will hurt. the other day when i went, i found another set of dice that are really cute, but i need to float test them before i play with them at all.

    but anyways, i got some dice, found a cool store that i will definitely go back to a lot, good deal.

    then we ran into the scheduling issues, since i have work up until this friday and DT had some band camp thing he was helping with during the time i'd be off work (in the evenings), and things were complicated.

    tarmac got back from utah, i got to go with them to new york city (i didn't get to meet hello kitty :[ my idol) and we went to see the book of mormon on broadway. it was pretty good, a bit crude for my tastes at times but quite funny overall. we also got dragged to go see the empire state building again, having seen it previously we went to momath last december (not previously mentioned bc momath happened right before we got onto the bbs). it was fine, kinda boring, but i got to see some cool cranes that i sent pictures of to my dad and he told me about them. it's quite entertaining.

    and then we left new york and went back to maryland, it was certainly a drive. on our way originally to new york, i realized after an hour that i had left one of my airpods (the good one) in my work pants and didn't put them away so i only had one airpod for the entire 6-8 hours of driving we sat through. yay...

    other than all that, things have settled back into as much normal as there can be. i've been going to work, fighting with admin over a class, being boring, the typical.

    to address the funny admin thing (while trying to not be repetitive from prior post), we are taking a community college math class but admin didn't want us to but then said they'd accommodate it (not force us to take the class at school and at the college) but not really because they won't give us a free period or partial schedule (partial schedule applications closed a full month prior to this happening so we couldn't do anything anyways) so i emailed my counselor's boss in hopes of getting a direct answer and explanation but she's out of office (always) so some day! hopefully! we'll find out!

    ideally, they give us a partial schedule or free period so we can do the class during the school day, but meh. might just ignore one of my other classes to do calculus instead.

    with my internship, i've been getting a little bit of cooler work. the other day i got a scaffold plan to revise that was then sent out to a client, and then i got another to do minor revisions for that got sent out for the first time. pretty neat. unfortunately i ran out of that work.

    the main reason i got it was probably because it was simple stuff, my boss just took 2 minutes to scribble on a print out of the original plan and show me what to change, then left me to struggle with changing it. it saves them a bit of time and effort by getting me to do it, but i can only do simple stuff and usually it's more complicated that removing a few boxes and moving some stuff over.

    prior to that cad stuff, my boss had given me the task of designing a scaffold leg connection piece, which was pretty cool. it's been a long process of waiting for feedback to keep working on it (if at all), but i enjoyed it. tar even has been trying to 3d print the main piece i designed, so if that works out, cool!

    other than that, i'd been trying to wrap up my summary and project stuff that's required by the school. i wrote the annoying summary, and for the final project, we're supposed to discuss with our mentor what to do for a project and do that. at minimum, a presentation about what we did during our time, but it could be whatever. i ended up taking all of the drawing iterations i made in cad and sticking them together in one pdf, along with some screenshots of the piece 3d modeled in fusion and i'll add a picture of the 3d print once it's done.

    but i'm basically done with my internship, all i'm doing now is occasionally getting more work to do and then otherwise waiting for this week to end, since friday is my last day and i do want that big paycheck.

    on the topic of pay, i did actually end up filing to not have my taxes withheld, so i got paid a good bit more, but they still took social security out :(. i'll probably get that back when i file my taxes, but a bit of a pain. still like 80 dollars. that's an entire 8gb rpi 5.

    yeah though, friday is my last day and i'm at 200 hours on the portal so i'm well over what i need to be logging. last steps are having my boss fill out the evaluation thing and then approving my hours.

    another thing that i talked about before was my computer being broken. funny thing, i took it to best buy after i got back from texas and they said i'd have to pay an 80 dollar service fee so i didn't get it fixed. i went back yesterday with tar and a different guy said i wouldn't have to pay anything unless the issues were caused by damage (my fault rather than failure of hardware), then i'd have to pay. but my computer is in their hands now, and i talked with my mother about getting a new laptop.

    the details of that, as we're working out, is that my younger sister needs a computer for school (they took the chromes), so she was gonna get some trashy HP laptop. terrible idea, especially since that laptop would also be "for the house" (i.e. if someone needs a laptop for any reason, it's that laptop, but if she's using it, then that won't work). i managed to convince my mother to buy my laptop off of me for her to use, and then i can go get myself a different laptop. she doesn't want to pay me fully what i paid, so i'm hoping for 200-300 dollars. i have enough to cover the rest of what i need for the one i want.

    it's really gonna be dependent on what happens with my laptop. if we get charged a service fee, then i'll take less money. if they replace the whole laptop (won't cost us money bc warranties, i doubt that'll happen though), then i'll ask for what i fully paid (closer to 350 dollars). and otherwise, i just have to wait until the laptop i want to buy is either back in stock (framework factory seconds), or they sell the next generation laptop (possibly more expensive, but as long as it isnt that much more, i'll cope).

    that's all for now though, i'll probably think up something else to talk about soon (hopefully), and i'll try to make another post before we start school again. i have plans to do some stuff in my 10 real days of summer break, so maybe i'll have something to talk about with that.

    otherwise, have a lovely day homies.
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    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
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