• i got a job 2

    From Meverett to All on Thu Jun 27 08:34:57 2024
    good day my fellows,

    as time continues to pass, i continue to work at my internship, wishing i could be in any other place. sometimes it's chill, sometimes it is not.
    (quick note: i wrote this on june 26th but forgot to post it until today, so today means wednesday 6/26, yesterday means tuesday 6/25, you get the idea)
    to recap the last week since my previous post:

    thursday was wholly uneventful, i got to wander around the office for a little bit, but i mostly just moved more files.

    friday was equally uneventful, but i was unbelievably anxious for literally no reason for like 4 hours, and then had to drive on several highways, still extremely anxious, which was so fun! so much fun! i enjoyed it so much!
    i'm not an anxious driver or anything, but boy, did i feel awful with that 45 minute drive.

    the weekend was a thing, i lost my fidget which is absolutely tragic but i vaguely know where it could be so i will probably find it

    monday was slightly the same deal as the past week, i got more instruction for the organizing task so had more work to do
    moving files, making lists, reading stuff, yknow... so fun.

    then tuesday happened- i realized i got payed, and then realized i got heavily taxed, which is stupid and now i have to find out if i can stop having money withheld without the irs hunting me down in april next year.

    21% tax is fucking stupid though, that's one full day of work i did that i'm not getting paid for.

    like 2/3s of that money went to federal alone, which is not correct since im supposed to be exempt from paying it (i'm not tax liable which means i (in theory) will owe the irs 0 dollars, so all the withholdings will be refunded to me when i file for taxes (i dont want to fucking wait to get my money though)).

    then the other third went to maryland income taxes, but im also pretty sure that i can get exempt from that since, once again, i expect to make less than the minimum taxable income (14k dollars for 2024 i believe) this year so they shouldn't be taking money out of my paycheck to save for paying those taxes which i wont pay.

    in case it isn't clear- it isn't that i'm getting taxed, but my employer, expecting me to pay tax, is withholding that money so that they can give it to the irs in my place (which is the normal work thing).

    only issue is that the payroll person doesn't understand why i'm confused about my money being withheld, a lot of the stuff i've read online has reaffirmed my understanding that since i make so little money, i either shouldn't be getting taxed (federally or state wise) or it should be a lot less than 21% of my fucking income.

    it's annoying is all, but it'll work out. i hope.

    moving on for a moment, i finally got to speak with the guy who could give me more work, i'm 90% sure he lives in florida which is why i didnt meet him last week, but he's really nice and gave me a task to do that took me like 40 minutes.

    i locked in.

    simple task of course, just going through a pdf of old drawings and making bookmarks w/ labels so that he can find stuff quickly in the future (without wasting his time doing it himself and the client's time), but a nice change from the monotonous file sorting from before.

    bro also taught me how to read the architectural drawings from the pdfwhich is p cool, i think most of the interesting work i'll be doing is gonna be from him.

    he did unfortunately give me a side quest of asking this one guy in the office to give me an overview of autocad, which means i'll have to speak with another human being, but oh well. he isn't in the office today (wednesday) so i don't have to interact with people that much.

    i had to phone call with the florida guy giving me work twice and that was already a lot, i had to conversate so much yesterday :(.

    anyways, now i have to study how taxes work for federal and state, and if i can stop getting money withheld without being murdered by the government.

    i may end up just coping instead though, because in the worst case scenario, i actually do get taxed (heavily) (currently without representation) and the irs takes my money, but then they don't wanna kill me for not having paid all of it.

    best case scenario, january rolls around and i file a 1040 for federal tax returns and a 502 for state tax returns.

    there's so many fun government documents i've gotten to look at, like the w4, which tells my employer how much they're supposed to withhold, or the w2, which they'll give me so i can file for my tax return. then there's the mw507, which i could fill out to stop having them withhold money for state taxes, but i'll cope.

    paying taxes is an L though when i make so little money.

    considering i'm, yknow, making money now, it is objectively a lot compared to what i had before, that being very little. but what the fuck??? 21%????

    :( uncool.

    but yeah, that's mostly it for the work stuff. it's been pretty boring for the most part.

    i've had quite a bit of eventful driving, so stay tuned for... driving 3! where i talk about my driving experiences!

    so cool, i know. thanks for sticking around and reading though.
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