• websites and wireguard

    From Meverett to All on Thu May 16 11:57:34 2024
    the second post of today!
    crazy, i know. i'm insane.

    so, obviously i had been working on my website for quite a while, and it went through a few bits.
    initially, i just had a website, so i put stuff on it and it was stupid and ugly and dumb.

    then, i had some actual thoughts about what i wanted it to look like, but not a real plan on how to make it look the way i wanted or a full idea, just a theme, so after i got stuck, i stopped working on it.

    now, we reach present day, when i've found a new passion for working on my website while i do my driver's ed. expect a bit more blogging over the next week and a half while i ignore my class.

    my idea: a retro arcade theme. i really love the way arcade rugs look, so i took inspiration from that to make a cute repeating pattern. it's very harsh, though, which was my goal, and tar suggested making a pastel version, so i'm also doing that.

    so far i've been working a lot with css style sheets, which has been pretty cool, and it's worked well.
    i have a nav bar at the top for the main pages i want, which are a home page, projects, arts, and the blog. i will also have the index.html page be like an entry page, so you have to click something to get onto the home page.

    on the home page, it'll have my decorations (blinkies, buttons, stamps...) because i am completely obsessed with them. werewolf kisser? i think yes. dvd lover? absolutely. best viewed on desktop? this website will have no phone support. they're so great!
    i will also have some info about myself (of course) and probably a preview and quick link to the most recent blog post. some other stuff too, but i'll get there when i get there.

    on the projects page, as it implies, i'll have some info about the projects i'm working on. this will include my video game that i will make someday, my autocad projects, and whatever else i get around to. a nice little log of what i've been doing.

    on the arts page, it'll just be art i've made. so the ars goetia seals, pixel arts, maybe some pictures of pencil/pen doodles.

    on the blog page, finally, i want to have a similar thing to glitchtech.top's forum page, where you can see a list of every post, then click on them to go further into folders and eventually view the full blog post. since i've been using obsidian, i might actually make a 2 part blog, which will be GlitchNet posts and a website exclusive section, which will feature... images!!!! super cool!

    that's the plan for now though, there's more info but it's not super important.

    in addition to hosting my website, i also turned my pi into a vpn server. it's very useful since it's free and i manage it myself, only issue is that when my power goes out randomly, the vpn breaks itself, and i don't notice until i get to school, so i use a different vpn to ssh into my pi and then reset my wireguard and then switch over to my vpn instead. perfect, right? right.

    i did actually manage to configure it correctly this time though, so it works until it doesn't and then it works again.

    as for this blog, i do apologize for the lack of blogging. it is a lot of me forgotting, getting busy, then forgetting, and also just being unmotivated to write anything, good or bad. as we move out of ap season and into the end of the schoolyear, in theory i will blog a bit more, but then i'll be starting my internship which will take up a lot of my time.

    the plan:
    i will try to blog at least once a week, when i think about it, even just as a weekly summary.
    i'll blog about the driver's test when i take it, the lang and physics exams (so in about a week), starting my internship, going to florida, then texas, and whatever fun stuff happens in between. i might even get back into the mood of blogging even when i don't have much to say. talk about nonsense. that's okay.

    i'm satisfied with this post now though, so good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

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    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
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