• forgot my blog was real for a minute

    From Meverett to All on Wed Apr 24 20:19:36 2024

    is up guys

    but yeah hi, it has definitely been a bit since i've blogged, kind of forgot that i actually have to stop and write something for a post to happen lol.
    haven't really had too much that i could talk about on here though, but now i kind of do so here we go ;3.

    firstly, i've been working on getting hrt, and it's been going really well actually!
    i had an appointment with a nurse practitioner this past monday, and then i got to go get my blood stolen for lab work (i'm so scared that i'm gonna turn into a therewolf guys, idk when it'll happen). sadly, my tea levels aren't even close to a gfe, only 33 :C.

    but yeah, i have a video call scheduled for like a week from now on thursday in may to go over prescribing it and my lab results, so that'll be fun. i also got my consent form signed finally so the only thing stopping me from getting the hrt is literally time (also money i guess but apparently i can get a coupon to make it $20 for 2 months worth).

    and then like a week later i get to go back in person to do my first shot and then i'll finally be cool! so exciting!

    other fun doctor stuff, my foot is still awful from when i jumped off non's truck bed and it's been randomly hurting in the same spot on top every once in a while for the past few days, why? i dunno, but i'll go get it checked out in a week or so probably.

    anyways, recently i got some of those loop earplugs because noise is bad, and it's been a bit of a double-edged sword in a way.

    on one hand, it's really nice to have them in actually, cause it dampens every single noise while i can still hear people talking, so everything is a bit more bearable.

    on the other side of things, i already have auditory processing issues, namely people will say something and my brain just cannot. i go, "huh?" and they repeat and i still don't hear/process it so i either
    say "ok..." or "what?" and then we repeat that dance of confusion until i do actually process the words or one of us gives up (usually me because i don't want them to hate me (totally justified for them to tbf)).
    so the earplugs make that whole thing a bit better but worse, i can block out the random annoying sounds better but then i can't hear the people speaking as clearly so i have a bit of trouble, also sometimes people will talk to me at the normal "everett can probably hear me and we're in class" volume and i cannot hear them clearly at all because it isn't loud enough to hear clearly with earplugs in, but if i take them out then it's too loud again :I.

    overall though, i really like them. i did finally figure out how to quickly put them in correctly so that my ears don't hurt, and they're pretty comfy to sleep with, but i found that i don't really have a
    need for that when i'm at home (despite there being some weird high pitched noise in my room that tar pointed out to me, i have tuned it out over years of living here).

    i got these extra mute things that are supposed to make it even quieter, but i don't really know if they do anything or how they work, so i took them out.

    the earplugs are a godsend for solar car though, can attest! great for solar car, great for ap world and physics, great for hallways and nest, yknow the deal! love it!

    another con i've noted, i kind of have to pick between them or my airpods, which is also good and bad, since my airpods have noise cancelling (which is what i used before the earplugs, but teachers don't know that i'm not just listening to music so earplugs >>>), but if i wear them too long then put the earplugs in then my ears will hurt, and i can't music while i have the earplugs yet the airpods don't block out as much noise. it's whatever though, i think what i'll do is airpods on the bus and then switch to the earplugs at school depending on the class/situation.

    i give it an 8/10 though, quite nice.

    since i'm here, i'm gonna go over a wide handfull of random things that have happened since the last blogging:

    went to see frankenstein in love three times in the last week, and it was really good! i've had some of the songs randomly cycling through my brain, and i loved all three performances honestly. igor and frau were great, frau threatened me before the first showing and then igor would randomly show up to stare into my soul before/during the show and it scared the life out of me every single time, 10/10.

    i also really loved the blind hermit, her ad-libbing during the third showing when her set piece broke was literally to die for lmao "let's step out of the cold into the cold" hahaha

    and then the conductor from the polar express showed up too! he was great!
    and elizabeth, frankenstein's (spoiler: ex) fiance was absolutely gorgeous, i loved her so much (it's taffeta darling!).

    rule of three guys!

    anyways, one thing that i didn't realize during the first showing was that the entire show was literally a [redacted] joke, which at random points of the second showing, i would whisper to tar, asking if whatever they said was a [redacted] joke or innuendo, to which they would wave their hands and make and exacerbated noise at the fact that i didn't pick up on what "rolling in the hay" implied or the "up and down and up and down" part or every other [redacted] mention. woopsies. i didn't think i was that oblivious to [redacted] but apparently i am.

    birb sinking down in his seat was really funny though lmao (he's so cute (if u read this birb, thanks for the tutoring <3)).

    i digress.

    rolling back through past stuff, i keep getting threes on the ap calc mock tests, which is good since it's the base for credit, but not good because i want/need a four and i'm bad at calculus. i actually
    spent like 4 hours today doing calc, did it during hwsnbn's class because bro was absent, did it during all of nest, did it during health, and i even skipped gym so that i could do calc! i did actually end up doing a good bit of ap lang homework too during schrader's class, but whatever. the point was calculus! i can partial fractions correctly now! you gotta u-sub! i can implicit differentiate! stick a dy/dx wherever you take the derivative of y at!

    i'm getting that four bro i swear to satan it's gonna happen
    i'll jump off a bridge if i don't
    (jk) (mostly) (i promise for legal reasons that is a joke) (tarmac pls don't be mad) (<3)

    oh! i also got new pokemon cards!
    i asked my padre about letting me get a google pixel for my next phone, because my iphone has been giving up on life (it's only like three and a half years old, but apple is known for making shitty products that start to fail quickly so like, this mf ancient), and he didn't say no!
    specifically, he said "while i'm paying, everyone will have an iphone" which is stupid because we don't even have an apple ecosystem, but i convinced him that everything that apple has with their phones,
    there is an alternative that works between apple and android! i also said i will pay for the phone and my phone plan and he did say no to that, but he said he would consider it so hopefully i'm not trapped with a paper weight when this thing finally commits suicide. i could probably get another year or two out of it, i don't want to, but if i have to then i sadly will.

    back to the pokemon cards though, i love obstagoon so much! a few months ago i just randomly decided that they would be my official favorite for the rest of time, and it was totally valid! i love obstagoon!
    i got three cards, one of which is a japanese shiny card, and it's a holo, it's so nice, i love obstagoon! did i mention i love obstagoon? i love obstagoon! i also got two regular obstagoon cards (english), one of which is a reverse holo, and they're both also really nice. my plan is to put one of the cards in the back of my phone when i get a new one, but if i don't get a new one before the start of next school year, then i'll just switch from my slime sticker to one of the cards.

    nobody makes obstagoon stickers :C.

    i'm gonna hard switch topics now, i've been feeling very unmotivated and exhausted lately, which is really not great considering the fact that we're approaching the beginning of ap exam season, and all of my ap classes have decided that they are the most important and are being really annoying (never calc, i love calc but i'm just stupid so i'm bad at it). i have a physics test tomorrow that i will fail, and an
    ap world test tomorrow that i will fail, and an ap lang timed write that i will also be pretty trash at. still gotta finish my lang homework, and then do the tone word weeklies that are due next week, then do my tone brick finally (ew).

    tuesday was a real awful day though, i really don't know why. every couple weeks i'll just have a terrible day where i completely shut down socially and don't initiate conversation at all, and then whenever other people talk to me, i overanalyze everything that i do/say and then feel like shit afterwards and hate myself for being annoying. it's so fun! and i was super tired too and completely done with life, it was great. then i went to solar car and still felt like shit but then i felt better so it was fine. 1/10 for tuesday though, i really love it when my depression acts up and decides to actually be like depression rather than just being around vaguely making me hate myself.

    anyways, it's past 8 pm so i need to go join the mnc, will try to remember to blog this weekend.

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    | |) (_ | \|/ |_) (| |.
    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
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