• packets and parcels - continued

    From Meverett to All on Wed Apr 3 13:19:17 2024
    hello homies

    i'm just gonna start a new post with the same general name instead of editing another section to the one i made earlier, i don't actually have a plan for this but i'm sure i'll find something to talk about.

    my health class is doing literally nothing right now, so i took a few minutes to finish up the shortcut guide that tar made for the windows terminal. i even got the font installed and everything, it actually looks really nice and i'm glad i did it :).

    will have to do this for my desktop later today for sure.

    only issue is the brackets look a little weird now so when i do a smiley, bro looks a little bit.. crazy but it's ok, i'll learn to love him.

    anyways, i got my gum out at the start of class because every class garrett asks for it, i buy it so i can share with other people so i don't mind.

    these guys who sit in front of me who do nothing but ignore the class and make gross jokes (i hate gen-ed students so much why are they so awful for the most parent) (not you birb i love you <3 you're great, i appreciate your intellect) (at least you have a brain) turned around and saw i had gum and started waving being like "hey can i have a piece????" and i said no and bro rolled his eyes at me. excuse me?

    why are you asking a random guy in your class you've never spoken to for gum? is that a normal thing that people do?
    anyways he didn't get a piece because it's for my friends not random assholes.

    this class is really boring right now :I. i have a full hour to do nothing i guess, i could work on the math project or literally anything but i don't really want to
    do anything.

    speaking of the math project, i do not like bro mccoy and his math project. i'm sure some people have been really enjoying it, and their projects will be really cool, but i just don't enjoy this type of assignment.

    obviously everyone who will read this already knows but in case you, my dear reader, are amongst the like three people who won't;

    bro mccoy, my calculus teacher, gave us a presentation project where we had to pick a mathmetician who contributed to calculus, research them, and then communicate to the class information about their contributions, education background, and fun facts in an interesting, not boring presentation way. groups were made up of 4 people, and each group could do whatever they wanted to teach the class, be that a video, a song, a skit, a gameshow, whatever.

    bro mccoy gave us two class periods to work on it, and it was only yesterday that my group actually got started on it. that's fine, i wasn't planning to do it over break and neither was tar, i'm not surprised that tyfye and lc didn't either. issue: i still hate presentations and group projects, and this is also making me hate presentations and group projects more.

    the way that we decided to go was a skit jeopardy game, where my group will be the "players," giving the educational information in the responses to the questions.
    however, this will unfortunately require several things: a script of what each person will say, a nice looking presentation for the class to look at, each of us memorizing (i would assume memorizing) our lines, we should do rehearsals, but will we rehearse? probably not.

    it will go fine. we probably won't get a perfect score, i don't really care as long my grade doesn't fall into the high C range. i will actually be really sad if that happens.

    we also started the quarterly today in class for calc, but there was a bit of an issue: we ran out of time, so next class we have to finish the videos we were watching about "imaginary" numbers (lateral as bro in the video said), and then apparently we have a written response about it? i have no idea. and then afterwards we have the presentations. i really hope my group is one of the last to go so we can actually practice our thing a bit extra.

    overall, the groups that did prerecorded stuff will probably be the best out of all, i really look forward to the taylor song and whatever ghost's group is doing with their video.

    taking a bit of a hard turn, i realized (read: tar basically told me) that i don't actually have any real hobbies (stuff that i do when i'm home, obviously i have sailing and solar car but those are only some days for a while), so i think i'm gonna start trying to figure out what stuff i actually like to do.

    usually with my hobbies, i start doing a project or something that i enjoy initially, and i know if i kept it up i would continue to like it, but i get bored and lose attention so i abandon it. sometimes things don't work out with them, sometimes i just don't have to the skills i need to make it work, sometimes (quite a bit) i feel like i don't have enough time to work on it, so i don't bother with it.

    i am going to try and restart development on my game, no promises of course since i'm starting from scratch and have no clue what i'm doing, but i will try.

    i'm also going to try and start blogging routinely again, i actually really enjoy writing these but i noticed that i haven't had the energy to get one started. if it wasn't obvious from this post and previous ones, usually once i get started i can spitball my way into several thousand character long posts, usually 100 lines or so..
    anyways, i do have a few other things i wanna get into again, like i used to make clay figures for example, or maybe reading the many books i have on my shelf. i also want to start skateboarding again, but i think i broke one of the bones in the top of my foot so i probably shouldn't and probably won't until later this year.

    that is still an issue plaguing me, quite a while ago actually, we (me, tar, ben, dante, and non) went on a fun adventure going to peoples' houses, and at one point, i jumped down off the bed of non's truck and i landed on my left foot instead of on both my feet like i usually do, and i hurt my foot. recently, i've been
    doing stuff and will just randomly get a sharp pain exactly where i originally felt like i hurt my foot a while back, so i think i did something to it, unfortunately i'm pretty sure all i can do is just wait for it to heal, so i'm sol i guess.
    [small edit]: i misremembered sysop being on this outing, he was in fact, not on this outing, so many apologies.

    (self recap: game, blogging, clay, books, skateboard)

    even though i wanna get more into my hobby stuff instead of doom scrolling all the time on my phone, i also might actually need to start studying for some of my
    classes (i.e. calculus and physics)

    i feel like i'm so trash at physics especially, at least with calculus i know for a fact i've learned more because i can do derivatives, limits, integrals, i can work with series and summations, even if i'm bad at the tests with e on them (refer to bro mccoy and the 9.3 he for why i hate e (i think that's the correct post)), but physics?

    i don't know what's going on. a few months back we had a test that i got a 3/15 on, i'm really trash at forces, and now we're moving into the rotational version of
    that section, which is bad because i barely comprehend the regular linear kinematics and forces :(.

    i need to get someone (birb or tar) to explain like, the entirety of physics to me, but i also don't because i feel like they'll think i'm dumb and i hate people thinking i'm stupid because then i actually feel stupid. also doesn't help that i fail to wrap my brain around it just enough that when tar actually does try to help me, i genuinely cannot answer or do the work or respond to them, i cannot pick up what they are putting down. they set down the next lego piece i need and i not only trip over it, but i like scrap my elbow and break my wrist as i fall and hit the ground.

    it's so dumb, i wish i could be a math-oriented person like the two of them are :(. i really love doing math too, i'm just not cracked enough for the bullshit that is physics. and maybe it's actually not a me issue, it probably isn't a me issue, i just wish i could sit through class and understand what was going on rather than being confused all the time.

    and unfortunately the solution to my issue is literally to study for hours, i just hate studying and i hate that i've reached a point in my education that things are actually difficult. i like a challenge but i also like having a challenge that i understand.

    so yeah, hobbies probably should be on the back-burner and i should relearn physics and calculus. i can probably find a way to actually enjoy studying for both of those, i just don't know where to start... i have the really basic concepts down enough, the applications are were i start to drown. it's quite annoying.

    anyways, i think this post is long enough now, i'm going to go do a puddle instead.

    cheers again
    / \ \.
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    | ____ ____ |.
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    | ~~~| { / \ } |~~~ |.
    | |_)( /\ /\ )(_| |.
    | |) (_ | \|/ |_) (| |.
    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
    | |.
    | ___________________________|__
    | | |.