• the deal with today (christmas 53)

    From Meverett to All on Mon Jan 22 20:05:14 2024
    hello homies,

    CoMaWiB part two has sadly ended, and we are fully back to school with semester 2!

    as always, i can now not only see my semester 1 classes along with all of the brightspace classes i was originally supposed to be in and got moved out of, but the semester 2 classes and all of the brightspace pages for the classes i got moved out of! i currently have 34 brightspace classes, please email me if you have a higher number (i'd love to know).

    anyways, bus was cold this morning, walked into bro mccoy's and what was up? the whole layout of the room was different. disgusting. gross. i hate change >:(.

    so the rows of desks had been turned into just tables, and bro was like "sit wherever i'm assigning seats after" so people keep flowing in and being like "oh ew," which, agree! oh ew indeed!

    sometimes getting new seats is nice, but not like this. tables are gross when they weren't always in table format. also assigned seating is gross. sure,
    i'm not super productive when you sit me next to
    certain people, but i'm definitely more productive sitting next to someone i like being around like tar than i would be sitting by a bunch of random people.

    he randomly assigns groups, i get to sit at a table with birb which is nice, but i got stuck sitting in just the spot that i have to break my neck to see the board and i'm not even sitting next to birb :(.
    [EDIT] it has come to my attention that i do in fact need to state that my beloved friend and compatriot theghostwhowalks also sits at my table, which is great and i love them dearly, but i also have to deal with josh so like (insert shrug here yknow), yeah, and also i still hate tables and my hatred of changed seats kind of overshadowed tgww's existance for a second (also birb and his nonsense has been living in my head all day so like it makes sense that when i went to brain dump he'd show up a lot in it).

    calc was kinda mid, and then we migrated upstairs to physics, where warrilow talked as he usually does and lotti loot's papers that he leaves in the sink have once again disappeared. rip.

    after physics, we went downstairs to toepper's, i showed lotti loot and tar where cartwright's classroom is, did some debugging for a freshman's codehs project (love u karel the dog <3), and we make fun of
    the fact that he-who-shall-not-be-named (HWSNBN) is making us do his job for him (more later).

    then we went back to warrilow's, birb and sysop fought over their fbla coding project like a married couple who needs to get divorced but is staying together for the sake of their child, tar. dart seems like
    a very interesting programming language, lots of kids for some reason and also fortune telling...? i don't know, i can't use it haha.

    after nest ended, me, tar, and sysop went to ap world, took our quarterly which was really easy, and then of course, it's ap world, i naturally choose to spend the entire period talking to sysop who sits behind me. for the first time in forever, kochanski literally calls me out for not watching the video??? so he's like "everett are you watching?" and of course i go "huh? yeah" and then proceed to turn 90 degrees in my chair to kind of face the front of the room until he sits down, then proceed to return to my note chatting with sysop.

    in case note chatting isn't obvious in meaning, i put my paper meant for notes on sysop's desk and then instead of talking out loud, write down what i
    wanna say and then we go back and forth like that, alongside gesturing and randomly staring at each other for emphasis of a point. it's quite the system.
    talking out loud is kinda weird for me cause i have two volumes, that being either too loud and therefore annoying, or too quiet and therefore completely unintelligible in what i'm trying to communicate. it's a weird issue. i don't know how to fix that. speaking weird :(.

    anyways! on a scale of 0 to 1 representing float values or whatever sysop said earlier, here are some trees on a scale.

    dogwood: 0.5
    oak: 0.8
    pine tree: 0.4
    birch tree: 0.2 or 0.3, inclusive
    dark oak (just the tree): 0.75
    dark oak as a nice, highly varnished table: 0.25
    acacia: 0.51
    jungle: 0.35
    cherry trees: 0.1
    azaleas: 0.22
    mangrove tree from minecraft: 0.5 because swamp therefore androgynous
    tall brown mushroom: 0.35
    tall (yet dainty) red mushroom: 0.275

    bonus point, bamboo: 0.42 or 0.49, there is no inbetween, it depends on the cut

    quoting tar: "chorus fruit is basically a cactus, so we start with cactus first"

    non-fruiting cactus: 0.69
    fruiting cactus: literally a 0.000001
    chorus plant: 0.15
    warped fungus: 0.425
    crimson fungus: 0.666

    nice shrubbery, not too expensive: 0.325
    mean shrubbery, somewhat expensive: 0.55
    bark: 0.625

    ...in ap lang, we finally did the quarterly essay, and if i'm being honest:
    i completely slayed
    i popped off

    let me tell you, dear reader, sorry for the fourth wall break but oh my satan. the prompt was something about agreeing or disagreeing with the claim that adversity gives you skills that you otherwise wouldn't get, and obviously, i argued in favor.

    my introduction paragraph: pretty decent.
    my evidences: i, as a trans person, do in fact face stuff like discrimination and not pog people. i was making some great claims and connections, really good explanations, and then; counterclaim, refute, and
    i created an extended metaphor comparing me living life to playing a game of poker. then, my dad, the bird engineer, getting ripped off at this company he started and making a total career comeback. and finally, this of course leads to batman. who wouldn't include batman in an essay if given the chance?
    my conclusion: i created, get ready for this, a SECOND extended metaphor, this time comparing humans facing adversity to coal becoming diamonds (no idea if that's actually how that works, but it was a nice metaphor).

    overall, as stated before, i slayed. i felt super good about my essay, and if i don't get a 6/6 on this quarterly, i will kill someone and then kill myself.
    i absolutely deserve not only all 4 of those evidence/commentary points, but the sophistication point. this essay was 100% better than my last
    argumentative essay, and i got a 5/6 on that one.

    lastly, class ended, crankfield hid the submission for the essay in the semester 2 brightspace (not pog of her), and then me and tar made our way outside for me to go home and for them to get on birb's bus to go work on their previously mentioned coding project for fbla.

    if you made it this far, sorry for the long post, but it's getting longer.

    we've added to the watchlist, specifically added how to train your dragon: race to the edge, which we (mainly refering to myself, tar, and lotti loot) will season 1 of before switching to something else (this is my excuse to get LL to watch steven universe if he hasn't, otherwise probably something gay).
    getting a bit into the not-today things, monty python and the holy grail is actually a very W movie, watch it if you haven't, i made it half way through on my first time watching it and finished it the other day with tar, and it's the best movie i've ever seen that i can actually remember. i love it so much, the ending is so funny hahaha :).

    the knights who say "ni!" are very cool.

    i might make a gameblog post sometime this week, sadly not about the programming and mechanics progress, but my sister is being hella productive it appears.
    maybe that will motivate me, i dunno! anything is possible!

    just remembered the other thing i wanted to talk about, he-who-shall-not-be-named! bro wanted all of us in math modeling/parallel computing (mmpc) to come up with lessons for class to learn the stuff for the networking support technician exam thing, but here's the issue:

    bro wants us to do his job for him???? instead of taking the time to lesson plan and make sure he knows what he's talking about so he can teach people the complicated computer stuffs, he just... does not.
    why? i dunno.

    so here we are, with HWSNBN expecting all 21 of his students to have created their lessons to do his job for him, despite the fact he asked us to make a schedule and then completely ignored the schedule and took 3 days to teach subnetting despite the fact that he did not actually teach subnetting (i love CIDR and subnets tho, top tier pokemon) and both birb and tar together were able to half-teach me subnetting in roughly 20 minutes worth of time. i don't fully understand still, but that's what tomorrow is for i guess.

    honestly, we should go on strike. we need to unionize. we're demanding fair wages, specifically his wages! it's only equitable!
    additionally, we were discussing how we could gaslight HWSNBN into thinking that he just made up the fact that he wants the lessons by tomorrow, but some people already emailed him about it, also he doesn't even believe us when we're telling the truth about something he said, so that's not happening.

    he did, however, not post the labs for us to look at to make our full lesson plans, so there's a solid chance we can be like "no you're dumb" and he'll
    kind of just have to be like "ok submit on thursday or
    by end of day or something," but chances are he's just gonna whine about it and make a big fuss :(.

    another thought: the z-crew homies (tar, sysop, lotti loot, ghost, so on...) finally have to deal with cartwright! terrifying i know. apparently cartwright already likes lotti loot though, which like, match made in hell? literally.

    not looking forward to having gym class tomorrow afternoon, i don't even know where to go for class :L not pog.
    thankfully it's just walking wellness so hopefully not that much effort.

    and also, i think this week i'm finally gonna get the pictures i took in new york off of my 3ds and into my google drive so people can look at them. i have 2 really lovely pictures of tar holding tan(gerine) while we were walking around, and a good handful of aesthetic pictures of the city and a couple of the rest of the gang (birb, sysop, and lotti loot).

    thus brings me nearer to the conclusion of this post! i love just writing my thoughts, and the digital medium is especially great for it too. i have like a half dozen journals that are completely empty
    because i'm scared to actually write in them, i don't like the permanance of ink on a page, in contrast with backspace to delete each character one by one. i might not do another really long post like this
    for a bit, but we'll see. i'm hoping to do a bit more coding this week for my project and hopefully not succumb to the bad vibes of fbla and HWSNBN and
    just life :(.

    stay safe y'all

    / \ \.
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    | |) (_ | \|/ |_) (| |.
    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
    | |.
    | ___________________________|__
    | | |.