Meverett to
All on Thu Jan 18 14:06:50 2024
birds are just so weird aren't they
as i was logging on to write a new blog post, i was standing in my kitchen and i looked up and saw a cardinal
usually when you see them in media and what not, they're bright red and a little silly looking
when i was little, the school i went to had a cardinal as its mascot, so i thought all of them were bright red
they are not
in fact, female cardinals look similar enough that you might see them and go "oh what's that bird" and then probably stumble into the conclusion that they're a cardinal
in case you don't know what they look like or you don't wanna look it up, a male cardinal is bright red with the little black mask around the beak, while a female cardinal is more of a pale brown with red feathers at the tips of the tail and wings
anyways, now you know the different and if you see two red cardinals together, especially in media, that's gay!
cheers :)
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