• literally drop stem

    From Meverett to All on Tue Jan 9 00:49:27 2024
    i hate community challenge

    its only 12:11 am right now

    last night i was up until 5 am doing my physics book report and that was awful but i'm so over this

    i have to finish my group's presentation and add the final polishes

    i have to finish the analysis for my map and data and also for both of my groupmate's maps and data

    i have to figure out everything i want to say and need to talk about
    figure out the pacing of my thing cuz this needs to be a 10 minute F*CKING long presentation

    who wants to hear us talk about crabs and shorelines and maps for 10 minutes? not even crabs! they're more akin to scorpions!

    my nose really hurts and i can't breathe and my eyes hurt and i have a headache setting in

    i literally do not know why i care so much about this when clearly my groupmates don't share that feeling
    i want mr. schrader to like the presentation and not be disappointed but like its so difficult to motivate to actually try and figure out this god forsaken program

    i, like the so called "crabs" wish to burrow myself under the seafloor in the middle of a continental shelf and lie dormant for weeks at a time
    maybe one of the damn shorebirds could eat me and use me as sustinence for its migration

    did you know that horseshoe crab blood is blue
    its used by the biomedical industry to test for contaminents in medical equipment/devices
    specifically the LAL (limilus amebocyte lysate)
    the asmfc (atlantic states marine fisheries commision) reports that the biomed. industry harvests about 700,000 crabs for their blood, with a estimated mortality count being like 100,000 crabs out of those 700k

    thats kinda not a vibe

    the fishing industry also harvests a lot of horseshoe crabs to use as bait for conch fisheries and stuff, approximately the same amount (740,000) but they all die so that's

    uhhhhh currently as i write this tyfye is trying to tech support arcgis for me this is such a help desk moment like we learned about on friday from datbirbdude
    if you're reading this datbirbdude please check on me i am not okay
    doesnt matter if its like tuesday morning right now or maybe later this week the mental illness is really hitting different at the end of the semester
    i need that emotional support from a semi stable individual
    also i need a hug

    anyways yeah the issue is that horseshoe crabs, whom are important bc of the impacts they have on the economy (through the fisheries and biomedical) and their environmental impacts through stuff like the birds, are kind of just leaving the chesapeake bay

    where are they going? probably delaware, but that isn't important
    what is important is that they're leaving and we dont want them to do that
    why are they leaving? because oh my gosh our shorelines
    our shorelines
    are changing


    our shorelines are changing so we mapped them! we looked at data from the 1990s and data from 2006 to estimate and look at the changes in shoreline length and type!
    for example, we want sandy beaches because that is where the horseshoe crabs go to lay their eggs during the spring
    if no beach
    then no crab on beach obviously
    so they go elsewhere

    what is happening to those beaches? well that's what we are looking at in arcgis, esri's geographic information system software thing that people use for mapping and data analysis (thats waht the maryland department of natural resources uses)
    sometimes beach turns into bulkhead
    or vegetation into riprap
    so cool!

    everything is a spreadsheet
    life is a spreadsheet
    i dream in spreadsheets
    excel is my 2nd language
    im not even good at using spreadsheets
    just use common sense bros! be consistent in how you enter/case words! maybe do a function or two so you dont copy/paste 3 long values 300 times!

    i swear to god if i have to do anything like this again without explicitly deciding to do this of my own volition i will actually die
    i will drop out of stem
    i cannot do capstone class if it is anything like this

    might update if work gets done dunno

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    | ' "__^^^^__" ' |.
    | meverett |.
    | |.
    | ___________________________|__
    | | |.