• the deal of today (christmas 21)

    From Meverett to All on Thu Dec 21 18:33:21 2023
    hello everyone

    this is tragically the third time today that i am attempting to write this post to tell you about my day
    can you believe it
    all i wanted to do was blog but the world wasnt ready for my blogging
    my words are too wordy and glitchnet cant handle it
    seriously though i was just about to post my second edition of this post and then it was like "the impossible happened" and deleted it so :l
    its ok

    big note to self- never press delete on a blank line or everything will crash and burn

    once again thanks to our local sysop for taking care of glitchnet
    i will attempt to rewrite this with the same amount of sass, sarcastic commentry, and aggression

    firstly, school: i finally turned in my rdws, otherwise uneventful aside from watching a few movies
    secondly, the inbetweens: i tried to beat tar's 14.9 second record in level 1 minesweeper but was unsuccessful. i am getting very consistent sub 30's though, so thats exciting

    now, for the fun-not-fun part: fbla
    let's establish a few things that you need to know for reading this:
    1. we are working on wrapping up the angel tree project, which requires someone to have access to a car after school tomorrow in order to drive the gits to salvation army
    2. our community director (CD), as i have stated previously, is not very good at community directing.
    3. CD is also not very good at communicating
    4. kahler keeps asking about what is going on with the angel tree project, and nobody is responding to him

    the issue: the angel tree project is a community service project, which means CD should be managing it
    is CD managing it?

    not really

    let's imagine for a second, dear reader, that you are instructed to complete a task. you realize that you are, for whatever reason, unable to complete the task by youself.
    what should your next move be?
    a) tell someone, especially the person who gave you the task, that you cannot do it alone
    b) ask for help
    c) tell literally anyone
    d) ignore everyone, do not do the task, ignore everyone more when they try to figure out what is going on, then blame everyone else

    according to CD, the correct answer is....

    words cannot describe the irritation this man causes for me
    of course, being the person i am, despite datbirbdude giving me the advice of finding balance between a meverett approach to life and a lotti loot approach, attempt to figure out what is going on since nobody else was.

    what do i get for trying to be nice and help? CD says that im giving him attitude despite all of the attitude he was giving me, was getting very aggressive, and then says i need to stop "micromanaging" despite the fact that all i had done in the entire conversation we had was ask clarifying questions and try to get him to tell our other officers what is going on in the project.

    what in the frankenstein are you going off about? all i wanted was to help him climb out of the trench he has dug himself into, yet when i try to lower the rope down for him, he instead decides to dig out the ground from beneath me and drag me down with him? makes no sense!

    and finally, after complaining about the fact that kahler's method of reaching him was through a groupchat with the rest of the officer team (that way, everybody knows what is going on and ideally, more than just one person knows what is going on initially when he asks), he finally posts in the officer gc, and what does he say?

    basically, he blamed the fact that the gifts not having been taken on kahler changing his mind a lot, which like: bro, don't blame your incompetence on other people

    anyways, since this is in fact the third time i am writing this rant, i cannot actually remember the conclusion i reached the other two times, and our lovely local sysop called to check in on me since apparently this is concerning, so i will quit while im ahead and go do some of my work now.

    tldr: our community director sucks at his job, won't admit that he needs help, blames his lack of competence on everyone else, and will not stop digging himself into a trench

    "sysop is really cool" -very based statement that i totally wrote myself, just thought everyone should remember that

    also, to make everything better, my mother bought cookies from wegmans (the good stuff) earlier today and let me have one, so things are pretty chill despite the nonsense of fbla.

    thanks for reading if you did read the entire thing, i appreciate you (if you are datbirbdude, please text me and i will give you all of the tea (i always have more words))
    if you only read the tldr, thank you for popping in, please stop by later to see what im up to again

    signing off once again,