can you believe it guys
Meverett to
All on Mon Dec 25 14:18:09 2023
just a week away
christmas is in a week (today)!
i got a ton of merch stuff for christmas, mainly lovejoy- my parentals got me a pair of bright translucent orange earrings of the anvil cat, they're really nice and the catch the light super well (definitely gonna wear them to school a ton)
i also got stickers!! i love stickers so much, my laptop is running out of space tho on the back
my older sister made me a watercolor painting of my stimestory guys, put it on my wall already (who needs calendars anyways? thats what your phone is for)
my mom bought me a few other things too, except they didnt get here in time for christmas so she printed them out on a piece of paper and annoted it lol
apparently she bought me a spirit phone poster too :]
made like 150 dollars too so far, so thats pretty nice
could buy a whole second raspberry pi 5 with that
i was also gifted an entire 14 terabyte hard drive by my mom? i dont really know why she thinks i need 14 terabytes when i dont even 400 gibabytes across my two computers and my phone
honestly, today has made me realize one thing mainly- i need to piece my ears again so i can wear studs
its hard to wear a variety of earrings with stretched lobes, so yeah if i get around to it expect to see me with more piercings when we come back to school from break
happy holidays and i hope everyone got what they wanted (i know i definitely did but i still need to buy pikmin 4),