• driving

    From Meverett to All on Fri Dec 22 19:30:04 2023
    i have a lot to say about driving

    i put it off for a while cuz i didnt want to deal with the class part, but thats not important-

    what is important, is that i have actually been driving a lot

    today, since i stayed after school for a bit, i got to drive home

    typically, i drive a hyundai sonata, in other words, a pile of garbage. its my garbage car though, and i love it regardless of how stupid my accelerator petal is (idk what its actually called lol)
    today, my mother drove the van to pick me up though, so i had to drive that. needless to say, i do not like driving my mother's minivan, its weird and a bit too... different from the sonata

    now, being able to drive several different sizes of car is surely important, i do not care for it.

    anyways, we were drving, and a few things happened:

    1. some guy was waiting to turn left, so me, approaching from behind him, turn on my right signal to move into the right lane and pass him. what does this guy do? suddenly change his mind and turn on his right signal to try and turn back in front of me, so i hit my brakes and some moron behind me starts beeping at me, in a hurry, like bro, im trying to avoid an accident here, and then he sped around me for no reason- so aggressive, i hate maryland drivers

    2. later, i pull up to this road where i was in the right lane and needed to merge over into the left lane becausr the right lane was ended. i turn on my signal and start to look for an opportunity to merge. the van next to me decides to go the exact same speed for absolutely no reason??? i slow down to go behind them, and then they slow down too! i speed up to go in front of them, and then they speed up!!! and we repeat, until theres no more right lane and i have to suddenly brake to avoid hitting this prick-- my mother told me that while i was trying to find a place to merge, they were laughing and waving at me???? thats so rude!!!! why are people in this state so bad at driving and so rude when its night????? crazy birch tree had out of state plates tho so maybe they were just dumb

    3. when i was almost home from driving, having picked up both my younger sibling and her friend, this prick was practically tailgating me on the weird rural super narrow wavy roads over here where i live (super descriptive i know), and decides to speed up and pass me on the worst, waviest part of the road?? bestie, please

    4. also, throughout my driving tonight, my mother was extremely not helpful, but in fact the opposite of helpful- very stress inducing. i get it, its dark outside and there are a lot of stupid drivers, but telling me to continuously slow down isnt gonna make me slow down faster, because what she means, is stop! but if i hit the brakes, i will get a) rear ended, and b) yelled at for stopping suddenly! there is no winning here! if either of us should be stressed out and panicking, shouldnt it be me, the person with little driving experience in the dark of night? who knows

    altogether, driving at night is not an entirely pleasent experience

    im sure if it was my dad driving with me instead it would be a bit more chill, but i think he's a tad too laid back with the driving stuff while my mom is a bit too uptight

    anyways, other things to note from today:
    im cracked at minesweeper, and my raspberry pi 5 got here after a single week

    i wouldve expected it to take a lot longer, but i guess i got lucky

    signing off,