Ahoy dear users,
It's that time of year again. Voting will now commence for the prestigious GlitchNet System Operator of the Year Award. This year, we will also feature user categories, including:
User of the Year:
Blogger of the Year:
Ghost of the Year:
Gamer of the Year:
Moderator of the Year:
Multinoder of the Year:
Gamer of the Year:
We ask that you please submit the names of anyone you feel may be a good fit for one or any of these categories. You may nominate yourself for one or all of these categories, but you must submit a justification for each. You may nominate anyone else for one or all of these categories, and are not required, but are recommended, to submit a justification for each.
[You can submit people via email or the general discussion area, external email submissions should be sent to
Polls for all categories will be released 12/25/2024 and will be open until 1/1/2025 at midnight. Winners will be announced the following day. Nominations
may be submitted up to this date. If one or less nominations are submitted for a position before voting opens, nominations will still be considered up until 1/1/2025 and the administrative team will decide on the winner. If only one canidate is nominated, they will win by default at 1/1/2025. If no canidates are nominated, the adminstrative team will nominate one in the communities stead.
We hope you all had a great year with GlitchNet. Tons of exciting new features await. Tell your friends