Art Corner
Greenturtle537 to
All on Mon Feb 12 17:53:08 2024
Ahoy dear users,
After some deliberation, I have decided to add a dedicated "Art Corner" to GlitchNet.
If you've met me, I'm not a very big patron of the arts. Frankly I'm not interested.
That being said, you can't make very compelling apps or games without good audio, graphics, and storytelling.
I have decided that it would be wise to create a board area for dedicated discussion about the arts to start building up a community of art-doers here on GlitchNet.
This is also going to double as Xolo's blog space, and I'll be granting them sub-op privileges for the time being, as they are our resident art-doer.
Whenever I get around to it...
- Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
Faithful till the end, | | | | | | | ____|___ |____ |
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\__, |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \__|_|\___|____/|____//_/
__/ | CEO of Glitch Technoloigies LLC, Most Loyal Sysop of the Year,
|___/ Owner of Wii Club, Calculator Programmer, C Dev