Events subboard
Greenturtle537 to
All on Tue Jan 16 11:32:58 2024
Ahoy dear users,
Today we have a new sub-board on GlitchNet-main. It is called Events. The purpose of this board is simple.
1. To organize community competitions
2. To plan community events
3. To endlessly schedule and reschedule things
Things I had better see make their way to the Events board:
1. Watch parties schedules(Shows/Times/Attendance)
2. Tarsweeper competitions(Rules/Times/Prizes)
Things I will put on the Events board:
1. Quake tournaments (Schedule/Prizes/Attendance/Rules)
Enjoy your snow day to all in attendance of a public school in Anne Arundel County, MD
- Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
Faithful till the end, | | | | | | | ____|___ |____ |
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\__, |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \__|_|\___|____/|____//_/
__/ | CEO of Glitch Technoloigies LLC, Most Loyal Sysop of the Year,
|___/ Owner of Wii Club, Calculator Programmer, C Dev