Greenturtle537 to
All on Sat Jan 13 20:21:14 2024
Ahoy dear users,
Fun fact: I'm in FBLA
I'm not an officer like meverett so I rarely interact with the club that I'm in. Just dump a bunch of money into it and forget about it. We have regionals next Saturday I hear.
I do not care. Like last year and the year before, I have no competition. My work ethic has crashed, I don't have a production environment, and I have late work to do. What genius thought this weekend was a good idea? I'm going to show up with a hello world if I even show up at all(sorry meverett).
Kahler is being a little baby, and to think I used to look up to him freshman year. Might get motivated if I can upstage Ryan or Blenkhorn's project? Me and Carroll are mortal enemies. Should I just leave FBLA at this point? Let's get Lipson to run it.
Yeah I know I'm rambling. Hopefully I'll put some more work into GlitchNet, but I'm in a bit of a depressive spiral right now so apologies for any inconvience.
What do you guys think about my FBLA project? Community Connect?? It's basically a simple search engine for businesses. Very dull. Datbirbdude and Ivan are on frontend duty. I've yet to see a working commit. Upvote if I should write the entire backend tonight.
Wishing you happy days,
- Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
Faithful till the end, | | | | | | | ____|___ |____ |
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\__, |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \__|_|\___|____/|____//_/
__/ | CEO of Glitch Technoloigies LLC, Most Loyal Sysop of the Year,
|___/ Owner of Wii Club, Calculator Programmer, C Dev