BBS Tip #2: How to Dial-up
Greenturtle537 to
All on Tue Jan 16 16:15:36 2024
Re: BBS Tip #2: How to Dial-up
By: Greenturtle537 to All on Thu Dec 28 2023 17:46:15
Ahoy dear users,
After some experimentation today, I have forgotten a major client for connecting to BBS servers. For many web users, like myself, we may not have access to a full linux machine to use for connections, but have no fear, ftelnet is here.
The developer over at offers a genorous service that is not unlike syncterm with an address book and configuration. It's entirely web-based and free to use, he pays for the proxy servers himself. I recommended you check it out if you don't end up liking syncterm but still want a snappy connection in your browser. Consider leaving a donation because this guy is literally paying for this completely out of pocket for you guy(not unlike me).
- Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
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