• A bold new venture

    From Greenturtle537 to All on Mon Feb 5 22:47:23 2024
    Glitch Technologies LLC is finally making a bid to enter the game market. Our first target will be an indie horror game of questionable quality with an indefinite completition date likely to never see release. It will be written with Godot. Stay tuned

    - Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
    Faithful till the end, | | | | | | | ____|___ |____ |
    __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __| |_| | ___| |__ __) | / /
    / _` | '__/ _ \/ _ | '_ \| __| | | | '__| __| |/ _ |___ \ |__ < / /
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    \__, |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \__|_|\___|____/|____//_/
    __/ | CEO of Glitch Technoloigies LLC, Most Loyal Sysop of the Year,
    |___/ Owner of Wii Club, Calculator Programmer, C Dev