• Markiplier Lethal Company

    From Greenturtle537 to All on Tue Jan 23 23:13:26 2024
    Ahoy dear users,

    I am starting to become perturbed by your inability to schedule watch parties...

    Anyway, I have very much enjoyed the Markiplier and Friends lethal company series of Markiplier's youtube channel, the distribution of which is perfectly legal *cough cough tar and lotti loot*. Mark tends to post these videos every 2-7 days and there are 11 at the time of this post.

    The watch parties will be held at 0:00 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday MORNINGS This is the same as one minute after 23:59 Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday night

    They will be roughly 1 hour in length, usually two episodes.
    Once the original videos are exhausted, consumption will slow one night a week until the end of the series.

    If you are interested, please email me or reply to this post, as I will be cancelling this event if there are less than two other interested participants. If you agree to join the watch party, there will be no obligation to attend and you will be expected to make up lost videos on your own time, but the start time will be delayed by up to 10 minutes to allow for late entry.

    This will start next week if enough people want to try it.

    Best of luck

    - Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
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