Title Art
Greenturtle537 to
All on Tue Jan 16 15:14:46 2024
Here at GlitchNet we feel like our interfaces are growing a bit dull. We need to spruce things up a bit. This is why I have decided to hold competition. Whenever you connect to GlitchNet, you see on the default Synchronet titles, but these grow boring and don't look good from the outside perspective. I want titles more like vert.synchro.net or 20forbeers.com. More updates on this as I devise a plan and competition in the future.
- Your local Sysop, _ _ _ _____ ____ ______
Faithful till the end, | | | | | | | ____|___ |____ |
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\__, |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \__|_|\___|____/|____//_/
__/ | CEO of Glitch Technoloigies LLC, Most Loyal Sysop of the Year,
|___/ Owner of Wii Club, Calculator Programmer, C Dev